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September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


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Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
IV D Chart analysis rules: - For cluster wise detailed analysis.
1 D – Chart Analysis:
1) To see the strength of planets (only strong one is capable of giving good results of the signification of D-chart) by its placement in various D-charts:

i) Vargottama : Good. A planet is Vargottama in:
a 1st Navamsha of 1, 4, 7, 10 (M signs)
b 5th Navamsha of 2, 5, 8, 11 (F signs)
c 9th Navamsha of 3, 6, 9, 12 (D signs)

2) I behave like planet in OH. Lagna or aspected by 4 or more planets – ruler, wealthy.

3) OH in D – Charts: auspicious:
a. Own D3: confers virtues.
b. Own D7: wealth & fame.
c. Own D9: famous & courageous.
d. Own D12: devout, helpful.
e. Own D30: happy, good qualities.

4) OH/exalted/FH in most of Div. Charts – very good.

5) If exalt. In Rashi & debilitated in D-Chart: ordinary result.

5) If debilitated/comb./weak in Rasi it fails to bestow good results.

II. To identify results of a particular sector of life by studying the corresponding D-Chart along

with concerned Bhava in Rashi Chart e.g.: for general fortune study:
a) 9H/9L of D1
b) D9 with D1

III. Div. Chart is always subordinate to D1; promise has to be their in D1 before studying the D Charts.

IV, A strong position of LL of D-Chart & significators (i..e., Bhava Lord & Bhava Karaka of D1) in concerned D-Chart with favorable D/AD & helpful transit bestow fructification of Bhava of Rashi Chart provided it is not weak in Rashi.

V. Divisional Analysis steps:
1 Study BH w.r.t.:
a) Lagna, LL
b) Lagna, Lagna Lord
c) Lagna, Lag. Lord

2 Functionally malerfic/benefic w.r.t. their placement, awasthas, PAC etc.
3 Examine Yoga: Raj Yoga/Dhana Yoga/Arishtas.
4 Then identity promise in Rashi Chart-concerning relevant Bhava Lord/Bhava Karaka.
5 It should also include:
a) Analysis of planets involved in D/AD – their disposition/PAC.
b) ‘s aspect mitigate evil.
c) Transit w.r.t. Benefic of D1.

6 Now take up D-Chart along with D-1 & apply 1 to 5 above with. Spl. Reference to:
a) Lagna/LL of D-Chart; Bhava Lord/Karaka of Rashi for house wise analysis.
b) Owning to error in TOB, divisional anlaysis is recommended upto D12 only beyond this only study Bhava Lord, Bhava Karaka in D-Chart.

7 Auspicious PAC of above in D-chart promise signification fo D-Chart. If comb./debilitated/6-8-12H – D-Chart’s signification suffer.

8 When a weak in D-Chart transited by or functional malefic the signification of D-Chart suffer badly.

9 Functional Benefic in Lagna of D-Chart promote the signification & vice versa. A debilitated malefic in D-Chart Lagna minimize signification of D-Chart.
i) in D/9 Lagna – divorce.
ii) in D/7 Lagna – progeny delay.
iii) in D/7 Lagna – abortion/still birth.
iv) in D/7 Lagna – mental unrest.

10 Malefic in Lagna, Kendra, Tikona or debilitated planets or in Trik or Comb. – does not give good result of D-Chart signification.

11 When DL/ADL both are functional malefic – destruction of signification (vice versa for functional benefic).

12 Natural malefic with other malefic in his D & AD of other’s produces tensions if placed in auspicious house.

13 Depending upon personification of planets – (king); (commander); (ministers); (trader) & (servant)-degree of realization of signification by close degree of significator with Bhava Madhya i.e., House Cusp. If such planet is:
a) – affluence.
b) – good.
c) – so so.
d) – meager realization.

14 Debilitated Planets:
i) Neech Bhang Raj Yoga – rise in tlife after 33 years & during periods of debilitated planets-sorrows, worry etc. unless strong Neech Bhang, the significations of D-Chart suffer.
ii) Maleficence increases if it is in or with lords of 6/8/12H or they are 6/8/12L themselves.
iii) Vargottama debilitated planet (delibitated in both) – inauspicious results (reduce degree of fructification).

15 Combust Planets:
i) When LL of D-Chart or Dispositor of D-Chart is comb. & when functional malefic or transit relevant sign in Rashi-Chart, the significations of D-Chart damaged.
ii) Association of powerful benefic is helpful.
iii) Dispositor of comb. Is strong, proper placed, benefic aspected and is functional benefic the effect of comb. Is less.

16 Exalted Planets:
1) Examine such planet’s:
i) strength in Rashi/D-Chart.
ii) whether at Rashi Sandhi (junction of two signs) or Rasianta (end of a sign).
iii) whether afflicted or comb.
iv) whether dispositor weak.

2) In above cases even exalt. Planet fails to give results of Bhava in D/AD.

Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com

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