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Mars and Mercury: Basic of Astrology, Chapter I, Part - 9


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Planetary Aspects

The Benefic Aspects

Semi Sextile

Connects one or several planets by an angle of 30o . Slightly good.


Connects one or several planets by an angle of 60o . Good.


Connects one or several planets by an angle of 120o . Very good.


Connects one or several planets by an angle of 144o. Slightly good.

B1 Quintile

Connects one or several planets by an angle of 144o . Slightly good.

The Malefic Aspects

Semi Square

Connects one or several planets by an angle of 45o. Slightly bad.


Connects one or several planets by an angle of 90o . Bad.

Sesqui Quadrate

Connects one or several planets by the angle of 135o . Slightly bad.


Connects one or several planets by an angle of 150o . Slightly bad.


Shanker Adawal
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