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Mars and Mercury: Mars, Chapter II, Part - 5


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Parashar: Satva kunjaha, Neta gyeyo dharaatmajaha, atyucchango raktabhaumo, bhaumaha shikhika devata. Shadaananaha, bhaummaannaraha, bhaumaha agnihi, kujaha kshatriyaha, aaraha tamaha, bhaumaha majjaa, bhaumavaaraha, bhaumaha tiktaha, bhaumaha dakshine, kujaha nishaayyam baleenaha bhaumaha krishne cha baleenaha krooraha. Swadivasasamohoramasaparvaha kaalaveeryakramaataha shakubugushuu charaadhyaa vidhwito veeryavataraaha. Sthoolaan janayati sooryo durbhagaan nsooryaputrakaha. Ksheeropetaan tastha chandraha katu kaadhyaandharasutaha. Vastram raktachitram kujasya, Kujaha greeshmaha dhaatu aara vigyiyaa dhaatu.

Gunakar: Satva bhaumaha, netaa bhaumaha bhaumaha shonaha, bhaumaha daskhinaha, kuragraha kujaha, bhaumaha kshatriyaha, saamnaam mahija, bhaumaha naraha, bhaumaha sahotyaha, bhaumaha skandaha, vastram- agnidugdham, bhaumaha kaanchanm, bhaumaha agnishaala, bhaumaha tiktam, bhaumaha dinam, bhaumaha agni, bhaumha tamaha kshamaatanayaha.

Sarvaarthachintamani: Bhaumonarapaalya mukhyaha, bhaumaha atiriktaha, bhaumaha agni, bhaumaha daskhinaha, bhusunoohuu paapaha, kujaata narejyaa, bhauma majjaabheda, devasthaana agni, vastra –kujasyaagnihitam klinnam, hiranyam tuu dharaasutashcha, raktam chitrtam, kujasya, ritu – grishma, bhoomisutasya tiktam, dinam kujasya, bhauma dhaatu graham, oo dhwarhastthi, senapatihi, kujaha, satvam kujaha.

Jayadeva: Aara dakshina, kuja – satvam, bhaumanaraha, kshitijam buvatesaranyachaarinam. Madhyaanyaha bhoomijaihi, bhaumaha vyomadarsheenau, bhauma – dhaatu, bhauma – chatushpadau, bhauma – shesha, daskhinamukhaaha, netaabhaumaha, mangalaha, swami, swarnakaaraha, kshitaihi putraha, yuva kujaha, bhaumaha prakrityaa duhukhado nrinaam, aaraha kshatraanaam, naktam kaalaha, kujashcha baleenaha, devasathaana, agni, vastra – vanhittahal, dhatu – meena, bhauma vidrum.

Mantreshwar: Chauramlaichha krishaanyuddha bhoomidigyaamaya kujasyodita. With thieves and lowly people, at the fire place, battlefield, southern direction, these are the places ruled by Mars. Bhaumaomahaasthaanagatayuddha bhritsuvarnakaaraaja kukkuta shivaakapigraghrachauraahaa. Cooks, armed guards, goldsmiths, goats, chickens, jackals, monkeys, vultures and thieves are ruled by Mars. Deities, fire, jewel – coral. The person has a special mark or mole on the right side of the body. Mars is also the lord of thorny plants and bushes. Its age is 16.

Punjaraj: Its deity is the demon Guha, its colouring is like blood, its direction is south, it is ruled by the samaveda, it is cruel in nature, its caste is kshatriya, it is masculine in gender, its taste is bitter and its time is day.

William Lily: In the sequence of planets, Mars is after Jupiter. It is small in size and it glows like fire. It completes a revolution of the galaxy in 686 days and 22 hours. It is usually at 4-31 latitude in the northern hemisphere and at 6-47 in the southern hemisphere. It is retrograde for about 80 days. It is stable for only two or three days. It has complete power over Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – all three water signs. It is masculine in nature, dominates the right, is warm, dry and a fire like planet. It is the creator of quarrels and conflict.


Shanker Adawal

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