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Unlock the Mysteries of the Cosmos: Your 2025 Zodiac Journey Awaits!

Unlock the Mysteries of the Cosmos: Your 2025 Zodiac Journey Awaits!


Mars and Mercury: Mars, Chapter II, Part - 7


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Elements: Golden, Mars and gold both have a colouring that is a mix of yellow and red and hence people believe that Mars is the lord of gold but this is not correct. In this day and age gold has much importance in matters concerning politics and rulership and those are subjects under the domain of the Sun. Hence it is the Sun which is the ruler of gold. In times of battle, it is iron which is important. Canons, weapons etc. are all made of iron and hence it is iron which Mars rules over.

Season: Since people suffer greatly from the heat in the days of summer which precede the rains, it is correct to assume that Mars is the ruler of this season.

Direction: South. The scriptures say that Yama is the lord of the south since Mars like Yama is one who renders a person lifeless it is correct to say that Mars is a ruler of the South.

Good and Evil: Most people had branded Mars a malefic planet. Since it ordinarily brings many troubles onto a person’s head, this is why people assume that it is malefic. But that is only one side of the story. It does have beneficial properties that have not been researched or described adequately.

Deity: Lord Shiva’s son known as Kartikeya, Skanda and also as Shadanan was the general of Shiva’s forces in battle. And hence Mars the ruler of the battlefield is ruled by him.

Gender: It is a male planet.

Caste: Kshatriya or warrior. Since Mars is a significator of battle hence the caste description.

Taste: I disagree with Acharya and Gunakar who say Mars influences a bitter taste. Some others have said that Mars governs the chill taste buds which I think is correct. Chillies are ordinarily red like Mars and hence this is the taste influenced by Mars.


Shanker Adawal

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