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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


Mars & Mercury: Conjunction of Various Planets Ruled by Mars, Chapter XVII, Part - 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Mars Opposite Neptune

If Mars is square or opposite Neptune, the person has little ability to put his desires above those of others. The ego was not properly supported and nurtured during childhood by the parents or environmental factors. Therefore, the person lacks a solid basis for, or understanding of personal success. He suffers from insecurity and low self-confidence, and needs to work diligently on his sense of deserving. The person is extraordinarily sensitive to criticism and disapproval. Underneath a calm exterior, he believes (consciously or not) that he is a failure. The person is psychic and open to the astral realm. He is sensitive, receptive and prone to be a medium. However, he is also gullible and vulnerable to suggestion. He is innocent and unsuspecting. He unwittingly invites deception or delusion from those around him. For these reasons, and because of a potentially obsessive personality, many traditional astrological texts warn that the person should avoid séances or major involvement in the occult. The person may be an ardent romantic. He is artistic, grandiose in schemes, and adores the hidden, mysterious side of life. There is a distinctly uncontrolled imagination which renders the person different and peculiar to the rest of the world. He may, in certain ways, be considered odd or strange by others. The person must be extra careful about his habits. He is easily led by his cravings and may develop addictions or dependencies which interfere with his goals and ambitions. Most importantly, the person should surround himself with loving and supportive friends.

Mars Conjunct Pluto

If Mars is conjunct Pluto, the person is a reservoir of unlimited energy. He has more physical power than anyone. He is forceful and lives a life of desires and cravings. The person is action-oriented and does things in a big way. He is competitive, aggressive, and dominant. He is good in sports and always endures. There is a tremendous ego. Success is important, and the person may be relentless in pursuing his goals. When he is clear about what he wants, there is no doubt he will get his way. The person is, potentially, a human dynamo. Although this aspect seems very fortunately, it is actually difficult to handle. There is a possibility that the person is deeply fearful of his mighty nature. During childhood he may have occasionally let loose his aggressions and forcefulness, and witnessed devastating effects. The person is sexually powerful. He is virile and sensuous, carnal and orgiastic. He may need lots of sex. His procreative and regenerative energies are strong. The person is courageous and adventurous. He is persistent and enjoys a good challenge. Few planets function smoothly when conjunct Pluto (the indicator of vulnerability, compulsiveness and control). Mars is not an exception. Since it represents masculinity, virility and the macho (or showy) aspect of ego, this aspect is especially hard for a man. He may feel unsure of his manhood and filled with a compulsive need to prove himself.

Mars Opposite Pluto

If Mars is square or opposite Pluto, the person is driven by compulsive cravings to dominate and win. He is ambitious, competitive, and does not know the meaning of submission. He is willful, obstinate, and goal-oriented. There is phenomenal endurance, strength and fortitude. The ego is intense, uncontrolled and in a word inappropriate. The person wants to get his way. He is stubborn, resistant and forceful. He desire nature is overdeveloped and he must beware of ruthless behaviour and forcing his will on others. The person has enough energy to accomplish any purpose that comes to mind. In extreme cases there may be aggressive or violent behaviour. The person would be cruel, relentless and profoundly selfish. There is an enormous sex drive and the person may use others purely for carnal pleasures. He is at the mercy of lustful desires, innate, eroticism and passions that do not abate. The greatest task in life is for the person to learn humility. He needs to explore the value of vulnerability and compromise. More importantly, he must confront his inordinate need for control and realize the freedom to be gained from cooperation with nature and surrender to “the flow”. He must eventually realize that if he continues to play life as a win-lose game then everyone suffers.

Shanker Adawal

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