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Working Steps of the Inference of Venus


Working Steps of the Inference of Venus!

58 ÷ 60; quotient 0, Remainder 58

68 + 73 = 141 60 = quotient 2, Remainder 4

73 3190 = 326360 = quotient 54, Remainder 23

4015 + 53 + 58 = 4127 60 = quotient 60, Remainder 47 When deducted from the Venus inference of Purnmashi

3  21 6 23 then the obtained Guanantar is 0 1 21

47. Hence the Venus inference of the target time will have 4    Rashi, 18 ansh, 44 kula and 36 bakula.

Dr. Shanker Adawal,

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